we love, what we do

In addition to our many years of experience and high-quality raw materials, love is the most important ingredient in our pet food.Therefore we stand for ...

... the love of pets

Dogs and cats are no longer wild animals and have special needs. We develop recipes that are perfectly tailored to today's living conditions.

... the passion for quality

All-natural ingredients, high quality raw materials and strict quality controls guarantee the best quality “Made in Germany”.

... the love of nature

Sustainable, responsible action is a matter of course for us, including the renouncement of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives as well as animal testing.

... the connection to tradition

Our family has been producing food of the highest quality in the Bavarian town of Wehringen since 1765. You can rely on this experience.

... development of innovations

Our aim is to provide your dog with optimal nutrition. For this reason we have developed unique formulas for the health and vitality of your dog and are constantly improving them. This has also resulted in product innovations such as the Happy Dog 2-phase nutrition concept for puppies or the Piemonte variety with Italian chestnuts, which is particularly suitable for allergy sufferers .

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Made with Love in Germany

Pet food is a matter of trust - more important today than ever

Our Promise of Quality

  • without artificial colors, flavors and preservatives
  • no added sugar
  • without genetic technology
  • without added soy (except in Baby Milk Probiotik 30/30)
  • no animal testing
  • best tolerance
  • gentle preparation
  • natural and high quality raw materials
  • 100% balanced & appropriate to the species
  • full, rich taste
  • transparent declaration
  • Made in Germany under the strictest quality control (with reference to our entire range of dry food)